Hey everypony!
Just wanted to let you all know, in case you forgot or didn't get the memo:
The next meet (Dec 29th) is cancelled so you can all be with family for the holidays.
Our next meetup, January 12 will be a game night!
That's right! The last one was a blast, so why not have another one?
I will be bringing such games like:
-Cards Against Humanity
-Munchkin Cthulhu
-Nuclear War
-Kittens in a Blender
(The games on this list are subject to change without notice. I have plenty of other games and some will be swapped out for others depending on room and if I have something other than public transportation to get me to the meet up. I can also do requests to more or less of an extent.)
I will also bring over a few of my decks of Magic The Gathering so you Magic players should also bring your own.
Rio, one of the members in our meet up has created a charity group on facebook called "Luna's Angels".
Have some copy-paste of what he said about the group over skype.
"What we're volunteering for is the main charities around Calgary. Our goal is to help as much of our community as we can. Why? Because I firmly believe that we can show the people of Calgary that there are people who out there who are doing good and that maybe, just maybe we can all join together and give back to the community in the best way possible." -Rio
There is only a few members, including myself, and it would be great if any of you are willing to lend a hand to people in need and join Rio's group, Luna's Angels.
You can message Rio via Skype (Ryu362) for more information, or check out the facebook group found here.
If anyone has any other idea for events, specifically winter-time or spring-time events, please throw your ideas towards myself, Ika or Phoenix. (Whoever you can get ahold of, or is available at the time.)
Yes we need another meetup! Last one was amazing, Calgary represent! Thanks for organizing all this stuff by the way, you're the best.
we actually do meetups on a bi-weekly basis. you should join us next meetup on march 9! see you there.