Sunday, August 28, 2011

check it out!

hey lookie here! its the flickr in all of its awesome glory. now in thumbnail form!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

2nd ever calgary bronies meetup

hey every pony!

so we just had our second meet up today. and boy was it fun! we had a few new faces including one person who drove all the way here from red deer! there was around 8 of us this time, so a smaller crowd but no less fun. we also where able to get ourselves a projector screen perfect for our needs. check out our flickr sometime within the week sense i will be updating it. we also may have a few youtubes of us singing a few of the songs in the show. they will get uploaded eventually...

on another note i will be trying to paint some personal blind bag pony's. with conjure buying them left and right over eBay. i can only say i might as well have a go at painting some personal pony's also.

PS. il be throwing one or 2 intresting pictures to Seth from EQD to get our name out there again

thanks for being such great fans. Hope to see you all again next meetup.

Monday, August 8, 2011

bowness park BBQ

Dear Princess Celestia.
i went and copy and pasted something important that everyone should see.

!calgarybronies @darcyblue Ok called this morning and got it all settled, it will be September the 9th and arrival time I'd say aim for 6pm. It will be in bowness park at site 6. Here is a map of the different sites Also I was told that if site 5 (which is bigger and comes with a shelter) isn't booked we can take it. I wanted to book a site with a shelter, but they cost over 300$ so that wasn't happening haha. If you can't come until later that's fine! If anyone could make it there around 5:30 to help me out that would be cool too! Maybe we could try to set up an informal guest list later, so I know how much food to bring. Its just over a month away so I hope that might give some of you leeway to juggle your schedules so you can make it. Also sorry I didn't realize its so far for most of you! Hope you'll still come!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

we made the Nightly Roundup #60 !

hey everypony! so i chatted with Seth the other night and asked him to mention us on Equestria Daily. and you know what? we made it inside the nightly roundup! even if it was only just a minor mention! its still something! so lets show all the other bronies on all the other meet ups we are the best of the best!
hang your heads high everypony!

this will be the 3rd time ive been mentioned on equestria daily. the other 2 times where about my involvement on Secondlife.

personally im psyched!

i hope we get more members from around town interested in joining up now in our little group!


PS. sense i am still working on the blog. id like more input as to what i can put together here. personally i dont like the Calgary Bronies sign much. i spent too little time on it and i can see its pixels.
also later once i rework it. IL be putting up Phoenix Swift's photoshopped sign somewhere.
if anyone has any pictures or ANYTHING to add to the blog. please let me know!
remember i read every single one of your posts on the RDN.

Friday, August 5, 2011

late night partys?

ok so from the last meet up we had a few of the older bronies discussing alcholic consumption, either BYOB or going to a bar/club/some ponys house and continuing the fun from there. more like an adult only party for the older folk who feel they didn't have enough fun.

so your opinions on this? yes/no/maybe?
maybe ideas of what the 18-21+ age group can do?

PS. i placed a Poll up for this.

its somewhere over here in this direction.
place a comment

Thursday, August 4, 2011

important date's, times, etc...

hello everyone. here is the list as to when we have our meet ups and such.

where: Sentry Box.
1835 - 10th Ave SW
Calgary, Alberta
T3C 0K2

when: Bi-weekly Saturdays
17:00 (5:00 PM)
unless otherwise noted.
stay as late as we wish ( people taking transit please note of arrival and departure times for yourself)

stuff to bring:
-admission $5.00
-donation is much accepted.
( money from the meet up goes straight into the purchasing of things directly for the groups needs, everything including food/drink, event prizes, custom gear, and just about anything you can think of)
-consumables ( if desired) if you have allergies. please let me know!
-fellow bronies/friend(s)!
- draw friends should bring there drawings/sketchbooks (so we can all gawk at them)
-yourself!( most importantly)

this is the first post.

this post is the first post ever on the calgary bronies web page. made for all you bronies uin calgary and everyone everyone else! as of this moment it is still under construction and i am doing work on getting to move. i will publish inportant details soon.